General frequently asked questions

What is the difference between Angelic Reiki and other Reiki systems?
There are many differences between the Reiki systems that are taught in the world and Angelic Reiki. Anybody who does the course can definitely feel these differences, however, people do need to have a description of the main differences that define this system in regards to others.
It is now generally accepted that the system of healing known as Reiki is the original system of healing that was practiced in Atlantis. Again, it is widely accepted that the civilisation of Atlantis was higher in consciousness in regards contacting Divine Wisdom than our society today. They used vibrational symbols to contact divine energies which when applied to a closed system, such as the physical body, would bring balance and alignment to the archetypes upon which that body was formed. This is the modus operandi of all healing. Humanity, as part of the root race which was Atlantis had chosen the steady descent into the density of the material world. This caused the programming held in the base chakra, the fight and flight programming which created the leader of the pack, the tribe, the King, to also create ego. As ego developed it created rifts in the priests of Atlantis causing enmity, self-centeredness, and ultimately led to the dissolution of Atlantis through the misuse of energies for personal gain.
Likewise, all of the esoteric practices used by the priests of Atlantis dropped into a state of disconnection to Divine Archetypes and the purity was lost.
The healing system of the Atlantian's was rediscovered by Dr Usui in the 1880s, due to humanity now being on the opposite of the 26,000 year cycle of our solar system, where Atlantis was destroyed. There is an esoteric interplay in any cycle, whereby points on that cycle are at 180° to each other.
The system of healing that Dr Usui rediscovered has been strictly preserved through the lineage of the purity of transmission of the symbols that Dr Usui brought forward.
The spiritual perception of humanity in the 1880s encompassed the fact that we were part of a system known as the Solar System. What this means is that intellectual/spiritual humanity at that time could only perceive themselves to be part of the Solar System, and could not cognize anything beyond that. Remembering that the channel can only bring through where they are in consciousness at any one time, the symbols that Dr Usui contacted were given out at the vibration of humanity at that time, which was solar consciousness. Taking into account that all symbols have seven levels through which they can be interpreted, the symbols given out by Dr Usui were thereby given out at the vibration of solar plexus.
Since the 1880s, humanity has expanded in consciousness at an accelerated rate. After the Second World War, a leap in consciousness caused by the massive clearing of that war, allowed humanity to expand its consciousness to embrace the fact that we are one solar system in a galaxy of many solar systems. This could be termed galactic consciousness. This was reflected in the popular rise of science fiction, and the possibility that there were other races in the Galaxy. All of the Reiki systems which have developed since this time have expanded on the traditional Reiki symbols, and given those symbols out at the new vibration of galactic consciousness, which equates with the heart chakra.
Since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, another leap in consciousness ensued which has allowed the Reiki symbols to now be given at higher vibration's than heart chakra. When Angelic Reiki was first channeled in 2003, we were aware that the attunement's to the symbols were taking place at the throat chakra vibration. The vibration of the attunement's has steadily increased since this time. With the anchoring of the Crystal Grid in November, 2005, we were made aware that for the first time since Atlantian times the healing symbols of Atlantis have the possibility of being given out at the full 7 levels of form and Divine Form.
In Angelic Reiki all of the symbols given, are given through the full 7 levels of form and Divine form.
However, because of the strict adherence to the vibration given out by Dr Usui through the transmission of lineage, our feeling is that the symbols of the Usui Reiki system are still only being given at the vibration of heart chakra. This does not detract from the power of Usui Reiki as a healing tool. It is up to the individual student to feel the vibration of the system to which they are attracted, and make a choice therein.
From time immemorial, through all of the mystery school traditions, activations in consciousness have been given by the Master to the student through initiation. Before initiations were given the student had to prove, often through physical trial, their worthiness to receive the initiation. This practice has been somewhat diluted by the New-Age Movement.
An initiation is an energetic attunement of the Masters consciousness imprinted up on the consciousness of the student. It is a coming together; an overlighting of one consciousness by another, in order to raise the vibration and awareness of that consciousness into the radiant light of the Master.
Through the general availability of attunements to Usui Reiki, and other forms of Reiki, whereby the teacher has attained master level through physical attendance on the course only, without the physical and mental extended preparation and rigidity of lifestyle practiced by initiates of the old mystery schools, some of the attunements given today through the Reiki system are not of the highest. The student receiving such an initiation can open themselves to be imprinted by a consciousness that is still working through egoic issues, emotional drama and personality attachments.
The Angelic Reiki system has always intended to be a system of healing, that through the use of symbols which channel Divine Archetypal Energies, will attune the seven bodies of man to their original divine vibration. In order that these symbols are transmitted to students in their purity, they are not given as an initiation by the teacher who is holding the workshop. That teacher opens up a space, a vortex of energy, whereby the Angelic Kingdom manifests their energy around each student and anchors the symbols into the appropriate chakras. The symbols are thereby given at divine vibration, and as such, affect the consciousness of each student from the moment they are given.
In this system there are the traditional initiations, one through four. In addition to these, there are two other initiations which are purely angelic. The angelic kingdom was created as part of an earlier round, an earlier evolution of this universe. There is, therefore, a vast difference between the vibration of an Angel and the vibration of an incarnated human being. This being recognized, the Archangel Metatron insisted that an initiation into the angelic vibration be an integral part of this system.
It is my experience that these initiations into the angelic vibration are the most profound part of this system. It is my understanding that through these initiations the atomic spin of every molecule in the human body of the student receiving this attunement is speeded up. This allows the energy of the student to more perfectly blend with the energy of the angels which are their constant companions after this initiation.
Do I need to have completed a course of Reiki in another system before taking an Angelic Reiki workshop, or have done some kind of spiritual workshop or study?
There are no requirements for attending an Angelic Reiki workshop, whether that be Angelic Reiki 1 & 2, or the full system in nine days. Our only hope is that you have an earnest desire to connect to the Angelic Kingdom , to want to be more in control of your life, to help others and yourself, and to recognize the possibility that you are more than you thought you were.
When giving distant healing do I need the permission of the person to whom I am sending the healing?
It has been put out by other Reiki systems that it is wrong to send healing to somebody who has not given you permission to do so. Christine and I do not recognize this is the truth.
For example, if you are travelling on public transport, and a person sits in front of you who is suffering from some kind of illness, you may feel you wish to help them. If you ask yourself where the feeling of wanting to help them comes from, I would suggest it would come from a place of empathising with that persons suffering. This is also known as compassion. It is not feeling sorry for the person, but recognizing that that person is walking a path that is causing them pain and you can feel that pain. Compassion arises from the heart and is based on love. Based on this feeling of compassion, you decide to direct the energy of Angelic Reiki to that person in order to relieve their suffering, and because compassion has the energy of love, this cannot be wrong. The manifestation of love is the whole reason why this universe is in creation at this time.
When giving the attunements, I visualized the symbols in my mind as best I could but was wondering if this was necessary as I don't see it mentioned in the manual.
In this system it is not necessary to visualise the symbols when doing healing, or giving them as an attunement. As in all initiations the vibration of the initiation is anchored in consciousness, which is your light body. In healing, if a patient needs a particular symbol it will jump from your light body into their light body and thus cause the needed reaction.
Is it possible to practice Angelic Reiki on pregnant women, safely?
Although there are many reasons why Angelic Reiki was given at this time, one of the main ones is the fact that many races other than human are now anchoring into human form. For one of the galactic races to anchor into a human incarnation is not an easy task. The vibrational rate of the consciousness coming in is of a much higher frequency than your average human consciousness. This can cause many problems in the merging of that consciousness with the human vehicle being prepared. In the past, this has caused many problems leading to such disorders as autism, and dyslexia of various degrees.
Certain of the Angelic Reiki fraternity have been called on to assist women in going through such a pregnancy. The hallmarks of such a pregnancy are that the expectant mother feels intense nausea and upset for the entire first six months of the pregnancy. They can get into great fear that something is wrong. Indeed, the first six months is the most dangerous time, and any Angelic Reiki healer supporting a woman in this space, needs to be aware that they need to be doing at least one healing on that person every month. I personally have helped one of my students bear an angelic incarnation. This pregnancy was marked by the above, and at two points in the first six months, the mother experienced bleeding, this, I was assured, was normal in this kind of pregnancy.
As more and more of our star brothers and sisters wish to assist us here on the earth, and anchor their presence here through the incarnational line of humanity, we must be prepared to do this work.
If the pregnancy that you are called in to assist in is a normal pregnancy, only good can come from the healing that you will practice. In normal pregnancy, as in the above, it has been noted by the mother that the actual birth process went remarkably quickly, and with very little pain.
Is it possible to use Angelic Reiki on animals?
It is perfect to use Angelic Reiki on animals. Animals do not have opinions, and therefore they are very open to receiving healing. There is no limit to the healing you can give to the animal kingdom, either using hands on or distant healing.
I am currently giving healing to a dog in California with lymphoma. In the past I have healed a lame horse, and many kinds of dogs and cats, all quite successfully. In fact, if you give healing to an animal you will make a friend for life.
One must always be aware of any legal requirements.
Is it necessary that the attunements be done to Michael Hammer's Awakening the Lightbody? I plan to purchase these cds, but all I had available for a students attunement was a copy of Gifts of the Archangels. What if I end up in a situation in which I have no music (not likely, I know, but I'm curious)?
In our experience we have found that the music written by Michael Hammer is the closest that comes in vibration, musically, to the angelic vibration. It is, therefore, that we recommend his music to support you in healing, and attuning your students.
It would not matter if you had no music at all. The attunements are done through opening a vortex of angelic energy. The means to do this are taught in the workshop at master level.
When raising the vibration of food, is it powerful enough just to use the Cho-Ku-Rei symbol myself? Lately, I've been bringing in an Angel each time I eat and going through the entire process including the anchoring with Michael, but I have started to wonder if this was a significant enough reason to call in an Angel?
The principle involved in clearing food of any negative energy is intention. Any energy of sufficiently high vibration will dislodge any lower vibrational energy from the food. The kind of energy we are talking about is the preparation of food by a person who does not enjoy the work. If that person prepares the food in bitterness at having to do the job, that will be passed to the food and you will ingest it.
Can you clarify for me what the difference is between calling in an Angel and using Angelic energy?
Angels are a manifestation of divine archetypes, what Plato called "ideas". If you call in the energy of a specific Angel, depending on the name of the Angel will depend on the particular archetype you wish to contact. To work with the names of angels requires some knowledge of what each particular Angel brings as an archetypal energy.
It is possible to bring in the energy of the angelic kingdom. This is a akin to tuning in to the divine mind at archetypal level. Generally, if you did this, you would be accessing the archetypal consciousness of the macrocosm, and imprinting it on the microcosm to cause balance.
As I generally endeavour to be aware of my breathing, and often ponder what the most powerful way to breathe is (i.e. accompanying visualizations, mantra, etc.), I sometimes wonder why not breathe in and out the Angelic energy all the time, and when I'm in public I often do so. Is it okay to ask for the Angels and Masters to be with me all the time? (part of me feels that's a silly question, but I'm still not sure). Doing this, makes the routine of calling in and "releasing" these Beings somewhat fuzzy. Does it need to be clear? Are the healings less powerful if I'm not completely present? For example, sometimes I might be holding a conversation with someone and be facilitating a healing at the same time in the back of my mind. If I lose focus in this context or in self-healing at night, but come back to it, do I just trust that the Angel(s) are still there?
As a human being breathes in and out, so they are performing on a lesser scale, the in and out breath of the divine manifesting as a universe.
All of the questions above comes from a place of being separate from that which you wish to contact. It is our supposition that there is no separation, and there never can be for we are all one. The separation which you are talking about is in consciousness, of not being able to retain contact in your mind, because that mind is flitting from subject to subject constantly. In truth, you are constantly connected to the divine as it manifests as this universe. My advice is to let go of the fear, the doubt, and the worry that makes you believe that you have to do something in order to be that which you already are.
In the manual, the attunements describe the Triple Grid activation twice in detail; whereas, when you gave the attunements in the workshop, you described them once then said reverse the spin of these grids and gave time for this to happen. Is it fine for me to use the later method as well, and if so, is it best that I go over the triple grid activation again mentally, or should I just trust/feel it happening?
Because of my illness last year, some of the books that were given out had errors within them. One of those errors was the re-stating of the energies to be cleared in the triple grid on the reverse spin. Please disregard this. You only have to state the energies to be cleared once. If you have a manual where this error exists, could you please rectify it.
Can the pronoun "we" be used in place of "I" during the attunements, or is it more powerful to use "I" and tell people to repeat what I say mentally as if they were saying it or just affirm that I speak for them?
My advice is to use what feels right for you. Personally, I never instruct my students to repeat in consciousness what I say during an attunement. I have always found that the angelic energy creates the effect in the consciousness of my students that I wish to impart. You are the Initiator, and as such give the blessing of the initiation to your students.
Can I use the reiki symbols in my advertisements?
My advice is to not use the reiki symbols in any advertising. The symbols are a vehicle for the anchoring of divine archetypes, and in the past have been regarded as secret. Although that is now not the case, it still feels right not to pass these symbols out for general dissemination.
I have had a difficult time understanding where the third chakra is. I've tried not to see it as such a big deal, but it keeps coming up as it is part of visualizations I do nearly everyday, but which seem to conflict. In my kriya yoga practice, it is said to be (and I can feel it) along the spine directly behind the navel (the 2 nd chakra is at the coccyx, and this third chakra has the same characteristics as what is generally referred to as the solar plexus chakra), and in the Merkabah meditation, I visualize a ball of light at the solar plexus, which is where I put my hand when doing Angelic Reiki. Can you explain the discrepancy, both in terms of the vertical location of this third chakra and in regards to the location of all the chakras in the body - are they along the spine or more towards the center of the body?
All of the chakras in the human body are located in the etheric body. This is the network or grid of energy on which the physical body sits. Depending upon the mode of consciousness or the emotional state that you are in in any one time dictates how the etheric body integrates with the physical body, and its relative size to that physical body.
If there is congestion within the etheric body, or an over stimulation it can also affect how the etheric body integrates with the physical body. You can see, therefore, that the etheric body is always in flux depending upon the consciousness of the incarnated being. Likewise, the chakras which are located within the etheric body, can be perceived to move from place to place. This is the reason why various esoteric schools which teach methods of expanding and contracting the etheric body differ in relation to where the chakras are located.
Are you familiar with Drunvalo's relatively recent material about the sacred space (zero point I would say) within the physical heart? If so, what role do you think this space and the practices aimed towards experiencing it play in the ascension process? I ask because I am in the process of discerning what to focus my energy on. Reaching this heart space feels very profound to me, but after attending the workshop nearly one year ago, I feel no closer to it and feel that it is because I do not give it enough time.
Drunvalo has rightly perceived that there are esoteric centres within the heart. In actual fact, there are seven heart spaces within the human brain, and seven brain centres within the human heart. Part of the knowledge of this is one of the secrets of the ancient wisdom and has not been given out at this time. My advice to you is to meditate on the spaces and let the knowledge arise.
Do you have a particular way that you prefer to breathe.ha, besides through your nose or mouth and above water! Like I said before, I am curious about the results of breathing in certain ways. Sometimes I like to breath through my heart chakra, but I've been trying sometimes lately to imagine breathing through the zero point in my physical heart. Breathing through the crown seems to make a lot of sense and is done in many of the meditations I've practiced, and breathing energy up from the root chakra is the main focus of kriya yoga practices, which aims to awaken the kundalini. Sometimes, I'm so overwhelmed with the options that I can't decide and try to imagine breathing through them all at once.I'm sure you can guess how long that lasts.
As you have said, there are many ways to practice breathing. It is an esoteric truth that your breathing is related to your consciousness, in fact the two are one. As you hold a thought in consciousness, and consciously breathe into that thought as a reality, it will cause it to manifest.
A practice that we have been teaching throughout 2006, and more so in this year, 2007, is a practice we term the Developing Breath. This is a basic form of pranayama, and opens up the energy channels within the etheric body to maintain good health. It also allows you to contact kundalini energy, or another form of energy which has been termed Virilic or the ' Elan Vital', which is universal life force energy, the energy which animates matter.
Regarding the developing breath, do we visualize the breath coming in from the crown chakra during the entire exercise? What is the significance of counting along with one's heart beat (which, for me, increases drastically in speed when I'm holding my breath)? Is the afternoon technique the same as the morning but simply starting with the opposite nostril (blocking the left)? Why the change, and can it be done in the evening/night?
In the developing breath, one is aware that there are three energy channels within the etheric body. In the Hindu tradition these have been termed the Ida, the Pingala, and the Sushumna. The Sushumna is the central channel down the etheric spine. The Ida, corresponds to the left nostril, and the left channel down the etheric spine, which is negative. The Pingala, corresponds to the right nostril, and the right channel down the etheric spine, which is positive. In your etheric body, at the bridge of your nose are 2 etheric chakras. As you breathe through each nostril, successively, you should focus on passing the air through each of these centres, depending on which nostril you are breathing in at any one time.
We breathe in tune with our heartbeat because our heart beat out our natural rhythm. That rhythm is also in tune with the rhythm of the planet, the solar system, and the Galaxy.
In the morning practice, one should start with the nostril which is the opposite energy to the energy coming into the planet, which is positive. Likewise, in the evening, one should start with the nostril which is opposite to the energy i.e. negative. The most perfect time to do this practice is at sunrise, and sunset.
What exactly does it mean that in Angelic Reiki, the Reiki symbols are activated on all 7 levels? I wrote in my pamphlet "all 7 levels of creation". Is this accurate, and if so, what exactly does it mean -- different dimensions, levels of consciousness? and what is it that makes these levels different (despite being all one)?
The rule of seven is a cosmic law. The divine manifests through seven rays or emanations. This is a divine archetype and all creation mirrors this. This is why there are seven sacred planets in our solar system, why there are seven spiritual ashrams on the inner planes, and why you have seven chakras. All symbols can be interpreted through the seven levels of consciousness. Each symbol will carry a different energy depending at what level it is contacted. In the initiations of Angelic Reiki we ask for the symbols given to be activated through all seven levels of form and divine form so that the student has access to all the levels of consciousness on which those symbols can be contacted.
On one of the websites that is linked to yours (angelicreikiwisdom I think -- the one with music) the person states that a 20 minute healing session is "the physiological equivalent to 3-4 hours of sleep". Is this true, and if so, how do we know this?
It feels that the teacher who has put this out has perceived this in her healing sessions. It is a truth that when a person goes into an altered state, which is what happens in Angelic Reiki healing, it is akin to that person's consciousness vibrating at the level normally associated with Rem sleep. If that person maintains this level of consciousness, I could quite understand that person feeling as if they had had three to four hours sleep.
My mom and I went to the workshop together, and we found that we were both feeling very depressed about a month or so afterwards. And, we both had an aversion to doing healing work. Whereas it is usually a source of joy and energy for both of us, it has ceased to be so. Is this perhaps a temporary "clearing" effect or is it something to be concerned about? Please advise.
It is a clearing in a way but my feeling is that this is not the full story. Part of our own personal spiritual path is to grow into the awareness that there is nothing outside ourselves that can give us anything. The first part of this path, which is about letting go of who we think we are as a personality, leaves the personality feeling depressed because the realisation that what used to give us pleasure is starting to drop away.
True joy is a constant state of consciousness. If our happiness, love, fulfillment etc is subjective and the consequence of an external event then this means that it can be taken away if the event changes. The happiness, love, fulfilment etc was therefore in consequence of.........., it is transient and therefore not coming from the wisdom of knowing who we are. That we are, in the true essence of that Being of Light Joy, Love, fulfillment, etc. The concept of the unconditional space and the idea that there is "nothing to do", initially can takes away the feeling of satisfaction as a healer.
The only way that we find true peace, love and joy is to rest in the stillness of the now moment, unconditionally, totally accepting what ever is there.
Do you have any experiences or advice about using Angelic Reiki to treat autism?
With situations like autism it is important to understand the big picture in order to define what we might perceive as "healing". Our incarnation and purpose is interplay between all the other players in our life's journey. Often diseases like autism, childhood cancers etc have been chosen by the incarnating soul in service to other members of the family. This is usually a lifetime's mission to enable the relative to learn a particular lesson.
Autism can also be caused by inappropriate intervention or difficulties during the pregnancy and vaccination of an indigo child. It is not easy for these new children to incarnate in dense physicality and many hormonal changes have to take place in the mother to enable the anchoring of this higher vibrational soul. If this is compromised or incomplete a state of consciousness which the medical profession would label autism can result. Angelic Reiki in this situation can enable the child or person to feel more comfortable here and to connect with the aspect of themselves which was not able to anchor into the incarnation.
I am sure that I have not covered every aspect here and suggest that anyone who involved in bringing Angelic Reiki to a situation like autism should just be open to guidance to the insights that is needed.
I am having some difficulty in sorting out the esoteric truth about the cause of disease. Before I started to study energy medicine, I studied nutrition- so I am inclined to think that diet plays a role. And that leads me to think that Angelic Reiki would not be enough to help anyone because I must also help them correct their diet or use nutritional healing. So, my question is then, what role does diet play in health? I have also read that certain foods (such as dairy or alcohol) obstruct the nadis or that high frequency foods like juices help awaken kundalini energy or assist in the transmutation of the body into a more spiritual form. I have also been very concerned in the past with food allergies, processed foods, and white sugar as major causes of disease. Perhaps these can be prevented by blessing all foods? As you can tell, I am very confused on this subject and would appreciate advice. I do not want to perpetuate false beliefs in my clients or myself that impede the healing process or unnecessarily interfere with more carefree type lifestyles.
Angelic Reiki does not preclude the need for good nutrition. We cannot expect the physical body, the emotional body (governed by the hormonal system) or the mental body (governed by electrical impulse) to function correctly if the 3-D ingredients i.e. vitamins, minerals, trace elements etc are not present. A good example of this would be if we were giving somebody with brittle bone disease Angelic Reiki. The healing would deal with the reason why this person felt "fragile". It would also correct any inability in absorption of calcium, BUT if this person has not got enough absorbable calcium in their diet they are not going to get better on the physical level.
I do, though, feel it is true that some diets can alleviate the symptoms but not deal with the disease . I know of someone who regulates their Ph balance, and if their body becomes too acid their skin rash return . In this case the diet is simply palliative and not curative. All disease has its roots in either mental and emotional inharmony or genetic and karmic inheritance, as I described in the question about autism.
With regards to allergies the bigger picture needs to be looked at. There is, as with all pathology mental and emotional components. It is absolutely reasonable for us to be allergic to toxins as this is part of the unnatural situation that we find ourselves in today. But to be allergic to good natural substances and foods is not healthy and balanced. As Kevin would say "it is not rocket science". We simply need to support the person we are healing, in asking of themselves the question "why can I not embrace the goodness of this 3-D world ?". In the case of something like pollen sensitivity (pollen is totally natural ) , the misuse of antibiotics and vaccination can create an oversensitivity of the immune system , this is the reason that the body produces too much histamine and antihistamine drugs are "effective" in this situation. Using Angelic Reiki Healing with the intention of rebalancing the Immune System ( through the etheric body)will help. In the case of hay fever, Kevin has had a lot of success. His method is to make an appointment with the client one month before the usual onset of the annual hay fever places both his hands about 3/4 inches from the eyes, with the intention of healing the etheric chakras of the eye. With the rebalance of these two Chakras, the Chakra that corresponds with the Pineal gland also comes into balance. The symptoms either do not arise or are very much reduced.
All our information and expertise with nutrition is very valid in supporting good health on all levels. It is so important that it does not become an obsession. It is much more out of balance to have a lot of " SHOULDS" in our lives than to break the rules and live in joy and freedom.
The absolutely overwhelming predominant factor in the state of our health is the extent to which we Love and accept ourselves as we are, not if we take sugar in our coffee.
One additional question came up for me about the attunement process for objects & foods. When you are attuning a substance to Angelic Reiki, can it transmute the physical toxins in the substance so that they are not harmful biologically? (An example of this would be a can of paint or synthetic fabrics). I was also wondering about this same idea with food. I read a perspective on food once that the nutritional laws are part of the illusion/belief system that we follow, and that any food that is blessed and infused with love, whether it is a cookie or broccoli, is as life sustaining as it could possibly be. The whole idea confused me a bit because this seems in line with spiritual laws of attention affecting physical reality and the idea that energy is all there is, but I am unsure of how the 3-D reality actually operates in this respect. I was wondering if you might be able to clear this up as well. I have been confused by some of the research that I've read on the subject and think I might be missing the truth of the matter.
Everything is an absolute reflection of our consciousness. So exactly to the extent we could transmute the toxins of a tin of paint or make a cookie as nutritious as broccoli depends on the level of consciousness from which we view it. If it is an absolute truth for you that cookies would sustain the physical body in perfection, then it would, and that Angelic Reiki would neutralize the toxins then it would (so would the Merkabah: best tool for the job, see Drunvalo's work). This though, I feel, is very similar to levels of consciousness that Sadhus in India who can lie in a Coffin under the ground, with no air holes for weeks or months and at the end of it are in perfect health and vitality.
The formation of structure and rules of 3-D reality are actually very complex. This reality is created from many perspectives. Your consciousness has an impact on it, the collective consciousness of humanity has a profound impact, but all of this is part of the body of a greater Being that we know of as our solar system, and that is part of the body of a Being that we know of as the Galaxy etc. All with their own Karma.
There is one way of navigating and understanding all this and that is "good old commonsense". In my reality if toxic fumes come into my house I am going to be unwell, and I am definitely going to be healthier eating broccoli rather than cookies.